DAY 2 of 30 Day Reset for New Bookkeepers: Understanding the Client’s Needs

You’ve sharpened your core bookkeeping skills and now it’s time to shift the focus to your clients. As an experienced bookkeeper with an established roster of clients, maximizing satisfaction and retention means truly understanding their individual wants and needs. This begins with clear and open communication – the foundation of every strong service relationship. Day…

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DAY 1 of 30 Day Reset for New Bookkeepers: Setting Up the Foundation

Welcome, bookkeepers, to day 1 of our 30 day reset journey! I’m thrilled you’re here, taking this big step to refine and elevate your skills. As the saying goes, a sturdy foundation cannot be built on sand. So today, we start laying that bedrock. We’ll be reviewing some core terminology, revisiting foundational accounting guidelines, and…

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